Saturday, February 20, 2016

Progress in the World Radio Show Why are Political Candidates Not Discussing Corruption in the Court System?

Progress in the World Radio Show - Call in Number 310-861-2349
10AM Pacific to 12 PM Pacific

Jill Jones Soderman, Founder of the Foundation for Child Victims of the Family Court and Producer Walter Davis discuss the 2016 election and the absence of discussion about the corruption within the court system. We will explore this reality and discuss solutions for it.

The courts need cameras inside of court rooms. We need statistics on each judge (how many kids were taken away, how many reunited with families, how many black kids, white kids, latino, asian etc. were taken away/reunited). Voters go to the polling booths and as asked to vote, yet, we have nothing in terms of data to use to vote intelligently on the judges. We have no accurate statistics on how many kids are raped in foster care. How many kids are getting psychotropic drugs? What kind of political contributions are being made to politicians? Who is sponsoring judicial immunity laws?

Why is it that both Democrats and Republicans ignore this topic as though the legal system in America is operating smoothly and with integrity?

The first part of the show will be discussion and factual presentation. We will entertain callers during the second half.

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