On 4/22/16 Judge Erica Tindill reversed
a Protective Order that she granted weeks before. The temporary custody
returned two children who escaped from the hands of the accused abuser, back into the total
control of the person whose acts described were so compelling that temporary custody
was granted and a criminal police investigation was begun.
On 4/22/16, the afternoon
before a Jewish holiday, Tindill ordered the children back into the hands of
the hell escaped. The order allowed no time to file a motion to stay pending
appeal......... no time to prepare, only time for collapse into utter emotional
devastation for all involved.
This Order written by Judge Erica Tindill was predicated on the testimony of Eric
Frazer, Psy.D./”Yale”,who practices in
Westport, CT. . Despite the fact
that Eric Frazer /”Yale”, had not seen or spoken with the subjects of Judge
Erica Tindill's Protective Order in five years, that he never met or spoke with
other critical family members, party to this current action, Eric Frazer /Yale
was allowed to opine at length as to their mental status, character and
fitness. Frazer/ Yale placed on a public, court record, a scathing indictment
of people he never met, with whom he never spoke. As to those with whom he did
meet, his interaction was so brief, so superficial, so laced with bias, malice,
intent to suppress evidence and intimidate witnesses to depraved crimes, that
the psychological report he produced and submitted should have been given
absolutely no weight if properly cross examined by a competent professional.
The report was never cross examined in court at all.
Frazer was further, allowed to
attest to the mental status, fitness of the accused abuser in the most glowing
terms. Frazer supported the accused abuser's fitness and character as evidenced
by his position as a Camp Director at the prestigious Wood Way Country
Club, where he lectures to camp staff on
the signs and symptoms of child abuse. Frazer neglected to point out that
camps, schools, youth groups are hunting fields for predators cloaked as
pillars of the community, reputations supported by other predators and
It is important to note that
Eric Frazer's original work project was never vetted by
opposing expert witness
testimony. If such opposition had been allowed to come to light, the fact that
the child subjects of the “evaluation” had been seen for a brief period of time
and that no battery of psychological testing, as part of a proper protocol of
evaluation was ever performed. Eric Frazer's highly subjective, transactional
commentary was allowed to stand as a recommendation to transfer custody from a
Protective mother into the hands of an accused abuser. The Protective Parent
was assaulted with accusations of such malignant, toxic pathology, despite no
scientific, factual basis, that the chilling impact of such pronouncements from
Frazer caused the court to rise to a crescendo of resolution tantamount to “off
with her head” - custody, decision
making in all areas are transferred...... to the hands of the accused abuser.
A thorough reading of the case
history, court proceedings suggest that transfer, conscription of all decision
making in the area of medical, educational, psychological, family contact,
speech, have been made in the service of covering criminal acts on behalf of
the accused abuser.
The Foundation for the Child
Victims of the Family Courts is requesting that anyone whom has had similar,
direct experience with Eric Frazer, Psy.d./Yale, to please contact the FCVFC at
their confidential phone number through the US Whistle Blower, 888 – 789 –
3116, or contact us by e mail at:
Dr. Jill Jones-Soderman
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